Pourquoi un blog?

...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

Une façon d'exprimer en mots et en images mes actions, mes goûts, mes passions. Laissez moi une trace de votre passage en écrivant vos commentaires!!

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lundi 5 novembre 2007

Week End in Zermatt

"Fresh mountain air"

Seems to me that it was the objective of the week end. I had a perfect 2 day trip down to this beautiful valley. Since the days are getting shorter, they last from approximately 11h30 to 16h, because of the shape of the valley.

First day, I wake up to that view...
I spent it helping Bernie cutting some bushes for the winter season.
Here's a picture I took after 2 hours of work...
We finally got it done after 5 hours, here's a picture of a job well done!

On sunday, I met up with Nic and Louis, who arrived on saturday night. We packed our backpacks and started to walk. 3 hours later, we got to Schwarzsee. You can click here for a map. We took the 29 up, and the 28 down (right side of the map).
A picture from the top!

Coming back down, by the #28, it was a really crazy trail, straight down!! We actually ran through most it...
Here's a nice view of Zermatt from the top.

Stats for the hike: 18 kilometers in 6h30!!

Another week end finished...

Next week end, Amsterdam!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

c'est aberrant le nombre de propositions de randonnées. Tu peux vivre dans cette vallée des mois durant sans faire le même circuit de marche deux fois de suite.