Old School
I was walking around in town (Lausanne) the other day, and I passed by this building. You can clearly see the signs on the left side written "Boys Section" and on the right side "Girls Section". Even today, after studies saying that mixed school get the students to be more open to social communications (opposite sex included), there is still old fashion mentality. On my part, I think it's a good thing to make mix gender classes because it brings up balanced thoughts and ideas. New School
In fact, this post was not meant to critizise the situation of certain old fashion school in the area. I guess it's a good opportunity for me to show you the size of my corporate law class (picture below). It's kind of unpersonal to have as many as 1000 students in the class. First, not everybody learns at the same speed, so people are afraid to ask the teacher to go slower. When people don't understand something, or want to point something out, it makes it hard for two reasons: One, unless you're right in front, you'll have to yell it out loud from the back, and two, asking your question in front of that many people makes it very embarrassing for the person. Most people don't ask questions (except me and some others) and I find it pretty sad because they might be quite useful for everyone.
Anyway, a solution would be to reduce the size of the class by adding an extra course in the week (which would involve higher teacher cost for HEC), or, and I think this is the best one, do it like UCLA (I read about it in the paper this morning). They put some of their courses entirely online, or live podcast for some courses. Asking live questions would even be possible with msn or other chat related programs.
Everything is possible, the only thing needed are initiators of changes.
mercredi 31 octobre 2007
Old School VS New school
Publié par
Daniel Jakob
Libellés : Faits Divers
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4 commentaires:
Visé juste,les cours offerts dans des amphithéâtres, sont impersonnels.Toutefois, le but des études universitaires est de permettre à l'étudiant d'apprendre par lui-même, de faire des recherches, de développer des stratégies comme dans la vraie vie professionnelle. Quand on rencontre un problème dans notre travail, la réponse ne provient pas toujours dans un de nos manuels mais plutôt dans notre jugement et capacité à analyser et à trouver des solutions.
1000 personnes sa fait du monde en modit ca!!!
shiit. à 140 jpensais qu'on était bcp...
c dont ben fou sa dan. mille personnes. c la ke t vraiment un numéro pour ton professeur. mise en scène: (élève qui lève la main)et le prof de répondre, oui rangée 15 table numéro 6, 2ieme place... ca doit etre bo sa :P
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