Incredible week end!!
Three days out on the road with my buddies from Quebec. A complete change of pace to go out there in a German speaking country. I found out that german deutsch if far more easy to understand then swiss german...
I'll post the week end summary in three parts because it's not possible to fit everything in only one! We visited almost all the places we planned to see, and I tell you, we really planned things to the minute, and sometimes we wondered if it was humanly possible to do it. But overall, I'm really happy about the results, and even with the rain, snow, clouds and cold weather (from -3 to 4 degrees) that we had all week-end, it was definetly worth the effort!!!
(You can click on the small pictures only, I can't post more than 5 clickable pictures on one post...)
So we arrived, as planned, at 13h30 on friday, after a 7 hours train ride to Germany. First, we get the check in at the Hostel, and then head directly to the concentration Camp in Dachau.
Finally, the crematorium. There, about 50 000 were incinerated in the 12 years the camp was operational. (1933-1945)
Inside, the prisoner were taken to a "shower" room, where they were gassed.
The bodies were then incinerated in the crematories.
Feeling a bit downsome from that first visit, we then headed back in town to try and see as many "platz" as we could before sundown. The rain was part of the action, so we did not have much time.
We first got to the FrauenKirche in the center of Munich. This church is really easy to find because it dominates the city with it's two gigantic towers. It has a late Gothic architecture from the 15th century
Then we walked to Marienplatz, to see the rathaus (city hall) . It has a very distinctive and beautiful gothic style, and is so big you can't take a picture from the front.
Walking in the city, we found some relics of the nazi period, symbolized here by the iron eagle.
Finally, we go to the famous Hofbräuhaus, in the alt stadt. After that hard day of walking and traveling, we definetly deserved a beer, and talk about a beer, "Drei Grosse Bier Bitte"!!! (Three -one liter- beer please!). Inside, even with a capacity of 1500 people, we had to wait to sit down, but we had a great time.
There, we talked to a Russian couple, then another older couple from Italy, and finally, some middle aged natives (picture), with whom I had a very political-oriented conversation.
5 commentaires:
WOW! Daniel, toute une plannif pour seulement 3 jours! Vous avez réussi à visiter pas mal de choses en peu de temps.
Quand on lit l'insigne Work makes you free à Dachau, on se demande comment certains prisonniers ont pu survivre à leurs traitements. C'est une tranche d'histoire que tu as pu voir.
Quant à la la brasserie, c'est impressionnant de voir la dimension des chops de bière. Vous deviez avoir de la misère à refaire le chemin de retour jusqu'à l'auberge!
J'ai hâte de voir les photos du château en Bavière.
À suivre....
Looks like you had to get around at "double pedal blast" speed. Too bad the weather was so cool. Here in Toronto we had 26 degree weather ... a last gasp of summer. I'll be back in QC Tuesday. Looking forward to the next installment of "EuroTrip #2".
thanks for the comments!!! Always nice to see people interested in reading, because I don't have much free time, and I'm spending lots of it on that!! Keep up with the support!
hey dan! c dont ben hot tout ce que tu as fait la bas! jaurais tellement aimé sa aller la, sa aucun sens. je lisais tes trucs sur la piece où les gens se faisaient tuer par les gaz et ensuite la place où ils étaient incinérés. pi c juss fou, a lire c badtrippant, toi ta tout vu sa live. kelle chance ! take care hun' a plus xxx
What the hell, mas tu vu le buck toi cest donc ben dla bombe. Faut ben trop que jaille là un jours!!
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