Pourquoi un blog?

...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

Une façon d'exprimer en mots et en images mes actions, mes goûts, mes passions. Laissez moi une trace de votre passage en écrivant vos commentaires!!

You probably found out that I write in 2 languages. For all you readers, feel free to post a comment anytime, your support is appreciated!

mercredi 16 janvier 2008

Olympia Party!!

Time flies; already almost a month done in Zermatt. It is now quieter times here, and it is a great opportunity to go out with the Stübli Team. We went up the Riedweg all the way to a restaurant called Othmar's, where we shared an excellent dinner of various seafood and wine.

Here is a picture of the whole team. From left to right: Me, Viktor, Severin (hidden), Frank, Bernie, Samuel (in front), Andréa, Taffy, Emily (in front), Katie, Gaby, Lydia, Nina and Jörg.

After the meal, we took the sledges down to the Olympia. A great 15 minutes ride, in the dark, through the narrow path...

Back at the Olympia, a bit later in the evening...

And to complete the evening, Samuel lights up the night with a show of drunk juggling on fire!

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