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...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

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mardi 6 décembre 2011

Saas Fee - First Ride of Season 2011-2012

It was about time!
After such a long depressing November month, we are back in December for some Snowboarding time!

Moe and I had this little weekend planned for some weeks now and grew anxious about the total absence of snow in the alps. However, Saas Fee (the valley next to Zermatt) had the best conditions Switzerland could offer!

We got there on the friday and on Saturday morning, we wake up to a cloudy day...
We take 3 lifts and go up to 3500 meters and end up above the clouds!

The view was amazing

We didnt have too far to go before we got back in the clouds...

The station, surrended by a sea of clouds

We hung around in the Snowpark pretty much all day.

Here, Moe and the Glacier in the back

Impressive view on top of the glacier

From the platform on top of the main station @ 3500 meters

Riding on top of the world!

First Ride of the Season, good reason to be happy!

Some action pics in the Snowpark!

In Video!
(first weekend of the season, didn't go too crazy...)

Riding in Heaven 

Morning view, Next to our hotel!

Damn right Moe!

What a first Weekend!

Until next time...!

1 commentaire:

Ta mère a dit…

Paysages typiquement Suisse! Et cette impression de toucher le ciel tant que c'est haut. La neige, le ciel bleu, quoi demander de mieux?