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...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

Une façon d'exprimer en mots et en images mes actions, mes goûts, mes passions. Laissez moi une trace de votre passage en écrivant vos commentaires!!

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jeudi 3 février 2011

23...and counting!

For my 23rd birthday, nothing better then a little escapade to the mountains with a colleague/friend of mine!
The plan was to freeride the entire weekend, but given the absence of new snow in the past 3 weeks, we really had to look hard to find some good untracked powder...

We got there on the friday night, and after a very interesting Quizz night at the hostel with some Scottish Jocks, we sleep a few hours and get our gear ready for an awesome day of riding Zermatt!

TO ALL: Finally got a new camera!! NO more black dot!

Yann and the Matterhorn

We get on top of the Klein Matterhorn (3889m) and enjoy the fabulous view of the Italian Alps under a blanket of clouds

 Enjoying the view


Love that one, endless clouds and glacier mountains

Taken from the remote station of Rote Nase (Red nose)

Amazing glacier view

 Jeremy and his girlfriend joined us for a slope!

One of my favorite shots of the day, with the sun in the top corner

Glacier shot from the top of Rothorn (Red summit)

We end up at the Olympia for a drink or two, enjoying the sun on the SunTrap!

At that moment, the final rays of the sun gave us the last warmth of the day...and what we did not know at that time was that while the sun was setting behind the Matterhorn, a baby was born less then 200m from there...

...in house Sunshine!
Samuel and Misha Lisa, parents for a bit less than 24 hours! 

Say hello to Awa Valentina, born January 29th 2011!
Congratulations to the new parents and their beautiful little girl!

Another fantastic weekend in Paradise!

The most fast riding weekend ever:
over 100 km of slopes for 17'000 vertical meters in only two days!
Hell Rider!

Until next time....

2 commentaires:

Ta mère a dit…

La photo du resto Olympia est vraiment jolie. Tu féliciteras les nouveaux parents pour moi. La petite semble avoir + que 24 heures. La choupette est toute neuve! Et toi, beau gars, tu as eu de belles conditions de snow, à en juger par le soleil qu'il faisait.

Andy a dit…

dude ur pictures r making me so jealous... miss switzerland!