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...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

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mercredi 10 novembre 2010

Swede November

For the first weekend of November, what better then a little trip to Sweden to see my lady! Arriving on friday morning, the chilling temperature takes me back to the good times back in Quebec city!

Johanna and I on the first evening in Uppsala!

We go to a predrink party with the Vancouver crew!

Seba and I


Fredrik and Mats

 Special thanks to him for a great night at Norrland back in September...

On the saturday, Johanna and I go to Stockholm to meet some friends and have a nice predrink party. We get there around 1h30pm and the sun is already getting low on the horizon, sign that we are far up north. In winter, the sun is up only a few hours per day, but in Summer, it stays up close to 20h per day!

Johanna and I in Stockholm

Our friends, Mr and Mrs Jones! (Ashley and Frida)
Ashley is the most dedicated Canada fan ever! Cheers!

We then got to the party, still in Stockholm.
Here we can see Johanna and her best friends:
Johanna, Emely, Clara, Ida and Annika

The night was on, and Tequila was on tap!

A dream come true!
I was the only guy at a party with 14 Swedish girls
(one is missing on the picture)
13 blonds and 1 brunette!

Every guys dream...!

Until next time...

2 commentaires:

Ta mère a dit…

Yes, you're a lucky guy! Par contre, le coucher du soleil en début d'après-midi,ça j'aimerais moins.Pour ce qui est de la température, tu ne devais pas être trop dépaysé. xx

Anonyme a dit…

Un reve tu dis, sacrament!!
Je suis sans le mot ;)
HAhaha sacré DAN, tu t'organises pour en vivre des belles toé!

Peace, JPOM