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mercredi 28 juillet 2010

Swiss Army

Objective 2010: Lieutenant in the Swiss Armed Forces, as part of a mandatory military service, being a swiss citizen...
Got selected in the Military Police Grenadier, a special operation branch of the swiss army. Specialized in storming houses and making arrests.

Started on the 5th of july, the first days are all about working around 19 hours per day, sleeping aobut 5 hours (when there is no guard duty) and running with the combat backpack, when we are not doing pushups..in the blistering heat of 32 degrees with blasting sun. Viel Spass!

"Da Hier" Position
Mein Zug:
Zug 5 Company 1 Batallion 142

"Da Hier" in motion...

Before the 5 first week's selection is over, we are initially incorporated in the Infantry forces

The second day, we get our SIG Sauer P220 pistol
We then practice, and practice, and practice, eventually being able to break down and build it back with the eyes closed...
The second week was all about shooting and manipulations

Swiss Army Tag

at the end of the second week we got our Assault rifle: FASS 90
More manipulations and shooting coming in the 3rd week...

Klein Da Hier position fur ausbildung und erklarung

Ausbildung in process, all in German...

The main kaserne in Aarau

Ausgang Tenue (Tenue de Sortie militaire, le berêt gris représente la police militaire)

After 3 weeks in the army (and 3 days in the hospital from an infected foot), The military doctors and I take the decision that its in my best interest that I do not pursue my military career, because my knee will perhaps not stand the strenuous training. (I have osgood schlatter syndrom on both knees...)
Too bad, having talked with my lieutenant, I was 3rd on the list to become a lieutenant as well...but 23 days in the army was enough in my book!

Back home in Meilen, I'm looking forward to finding a job in Switzerland, and on to some more adventures...

4 commentaires:

Ta mère a dit…

Bonne poursuite mon gars. The best for you! xx

Charles Nadeau a dit…

tabarouette, la belle bad luck, that was unexpected, jespère que tu vas te trouver une job nice quand même, en tk tes plans sont à l'eau, sorry bout that, lâche pas big!

Olivier a dit…

Haha. Une vrai machine ce Dan là. Y'aura même passé par l'Armée. Content que ton blog soit de nouveau vivant!

Jérôme Pomerleau a dit…

Héhé bon post!!! Tu as fait ma journée avec ton habit camo est ton habit propre avec le bérêt.
J'ai eu un ptit fou rire.
Ouin j te comprends en tant qu'handicapé d'OSGOOD, la vie est pas facile pour nous ;)
Anyway je suis sur que tu vas te trouver un bon job ds l coin ou t'es, t'es capable de te vendre à n'importe quel compagnie j suis sur. Bonne chance!!!