It was time, and what a time!! Whistler has announced an all time record month of november for total snowfall with more than 550cm in 3 weeks!!
The email I received this week!
After 2 more weeks of hardcore studying, it was again time to go out there and check out what they meant by "Record Snowfall". We were well served! Jerome (a friend in UBC who comes from Bellechasse, Qc) and I get on the 6am bus on saturday morning on our way to Whistler. We get up there, and fight our way to Harmony lift on Whistler mountain for some early morning powder dream. We walk a little, and get ready for some fresh tracks!
Jerome making some new tracks
Jerome takes a nice multishot of my track. Wow, waist deep powder, a Dream!
Taking a break on the mountain, thinking about the next slope to hit
With the new Peak to Peak gondola, we head to Blakcomb, since winds were too strong on the Whistler side
On top of the 7th heaven lifts, we see that winds are still very strong on Blackcomb...50-70 km/h!
After a few powder tracks in the forest of 7th Heaven, we head back down on the slope called "Couloir Extreme". And it was...more than 45 degrees inclination, sick!
"Couloir Extreme"
We head back to Whistler for a Poutine, and this concludes Saturday
Jerome went back Saturday, I continued with the Swedish Crew on Sunday!
Back in 7th Heaven on Blackcomb side, Joaquim, Stefan, Mats and I get ready for some more powder
"7th Heaven", Forest of Deep Powder
Joaquim getting wild
And this conclude this first week end in Whistler. Great start of season! Looking forward to the weeks to come!
Until next time!
1 commentaire:
Encore une fois, le bonheur de descendre les pistes enneigées a primé. Tu es chanceux de pouvoir vivre ces moments-là. Souviens-toi en toujours.
Et, pour ce qui est de la quantité de neige, tu es tombé sur une bonne année.
Auras-tu la chance de voir des compétitions durant les jeux olympiques?
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