Already a month behind me here in the West! Taking advantage of the unsually sunny weather in BC, it was time to go out there and get some mountain climbing going!
First Week-End: The Chief and Garibaldi Lake
The Swedish Team, Nick and I left with two full minivan down to Squamish (BC) on that saturday morning of mid September. We got to our hostel, The Inn on the Water, looking over to our first hike: the Chief.
Our objective for that day was the 3rd peak of the Chief's rockface
(highest point on the cliff, on the picture)
The hike was pretty steep uphill, 1.7km long for 850m elevation, almost 45 degrees inclination!
At a midway point, a famous jump picture with the Team!
At midway between peak 2 and 3, the cliff edge gets kinda scary!!
Looking down 500 meters of rockface
After 1h30 of straight up, chains, ladders and slippery rock hiking, we finally got to peak #2!
From left to right: Sebastian, Erik and I
Funny weather on that saturday, from up there we could see both rainfalls and sun. Made up for a beautiful scenery
The inevitable result of that weather was the most bright coloured rainbow I've ever seen
Group Picture at Chief's peak #2
The next day (sunday), we all went to Garibaldi lake. On the way up there, I met Marc, a guy from Montreal on exchange as well. He's poiting at the direction of Garibaldi lake.
We went all the way up, and the pictures are showed on hike week end #2, below.
Second Hike Week-End (in a row):
Garibaldi lake and Panorama ridge
So, the week-end following with Andy and Scott, two colleagues from my Management Simulation team, we went back to Garibaldi lake for camping.
After 3 hours and 9km trail up to the lake with all the camping equipment on our back, we finally get up there, and enjoy the beautiful and relaxing sight of Garibaldy lake with the Sphinx Glacier in the back (1500 above sea level)
Taking it easy in the sun on that saturday afternoon, the birds are looking up for a easy snack with Scott.
A beautiful setting sunlight on the mountains.
The beginning of the coldest night I've ever experienced...
we are so gratefull to see the sun appear behind the mountains.
Finally some warmth!
Crossing the meadows, we are looking at our objective (the highest peak in the middle)

Taking a break in the Meadow before undertaking the final rocky path...
Taking a break in the Meadow before undertaking the final rocky path...
4 commentaires:
Oh! que c'est beau. The colour of the lake is amazing. C'est un peu la Suisse.
Bisous xxxx
Ah! non ce n'est pas la Suisse...pardon...le Canada est aussi beau que la Suisse.
Finalement un peu de nouvelles! Les photos de lever de soleil avec les montagnes sont absolument malade dans tête. On dirait que comme d'habitude t'as pas attendu pour te faire une gang d'amis. En tout cas, seems like alot of fun, cannot wait to see the snow pictures! ;)
Le gars y se gâte! Sa l'air malade et comme ta mère dit, sa ressemble bcp à la Suisse. Continu à nous donner de tes nouvelles pi soit sage...not!
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