Crazy Week end in Germany!!!
This all got decided on a monday, and here we were, on the road, on the friday!! With our great rental car!!
First we get going by 17h30 on friday afternoon. By 23h, we arrive in Munich.
We manage to find a parking spot, and after a very rough first night (it's bloody cold in Munich), we get up and ready for a big day of drinking!!
We find our way to the metro station, and fight our way to Oktober Fest. We arrive there at 9h am. By that time, all the tents (farm size!!) are already full with people drinking!! I could not believe it!!

Check out the vid!!
...and the picture. Spaten Tent, 10h in the morning!
Then, we found a spot at a near terrasse at the Paulaner Tent, and started drinking (it was 10h30)!! Finally!
First beer of the day, with my friend Mateo (Italian)

Then the others join in and we continue the party!
From left to right: Moe(Canada), Tania (Canada), Sena (Germany) and me!

On video!!
All the tents can fill in about 1500 people, each tent has His own Munich Brewery assigned.
A picture of all the Breweries of Munich
A picture of all the Breweries of Munich
Check out the vid!!
...and the picture. Spaten Tent, 10h in the morning!
First beer of the day, with my friend Mateo (Italian)
Then the others join in and we continue the party!
From left to right: Moe(Canada), Tania (Canada), Sena (Germany) and me!

On video!!
Then, after 6 little mug...we get going (only Mateo and me, having lost all the others...)
An almost general view of the site (we see about a quarter of the total surface here!!)
An almost general view of the site (we see about a quarter of the total surface here!!)
We finally get back to the car at sundown. Now, from this point, I fell asleep in the grass, woke up 2 hours later, freezing cold, alone, next to a locked car...
Ok, not too great. I find a little guardian hut with a small heater inside, and sleep there for another hour till I get asked to go away by the guardian himself...
The guys were back in the car, so I get to sleep in this cold, unconfortable car, for a second night in a row...
The next morning, we get woken up by the Polizei. After patiently answering their questions, half in german and english, we get moving. And we are lucky enough!! It is very nice weather, and we seize the opportunity to walk around in town. No alcohol on that day, since the previous one had enough of it!
Here is the city hall
Here is the city hall
We managed our way back in Switzerland. I drove most of the way back (from Munich to Zurich). We got to sleep, back home in Lausanne, by 2h in the morning on sunday (monday).
Another great Eurotrip!!!
Another great Eurotrip!!!
3 commentaires:
Tania pis Sena ramene moi ca au Quebec silvoupla :) je persiste a te dire que je veux un de ses bucks de crinquer, ils sont trop malade, jen veux un jen veux un !!! sick trip anyways, jealoussssssssssssssss I am
j'pense pas que tous ces gens de l'oktober fest seraient vraiment impressionner de voir notre petite st-jean. avoue que t'étais pas prêt à voir ça dan. 10h du mat et les tables sont full. c'est assez inquiétant! hhihi
Haha j'aime bien la photo avec les trois buck!! Le gros trip! Difficile de s'imaginer qqc d'aussi intense!
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