Pourquoi un blog?

...to be able to keep track of what I've done before, what's new in my life, and what's going to happen.

Une façon d'exprimer en mots et en images mes actions, mes goûts, mes passions. Laissez moi une trace de votre passage en écrivant vos commentaires!!

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lundi 11 avril 2011

London Revisited!


Once again in the British Empire's Capital!

At King's Cross train station, Statue to the ones who left for war...

The next morning, out and about in London city, I first take a hike downtown, by foot, to look for Golf equipment...and after spending 1000 pounds on a complete set, I felt a little lighter...

Here's the Main Medicine building at the University of London

Leena and I then went to the foodcourt of an outdoor market near Tower Bridge to eat some Paella

After meeting some of Leena's friend at the market, we went to a huge Rowing Race, with a couple hundred teams from various European Universities

With Alexia, Leena and Anna!

4 Miles Race

At Sundown, the river was back to calmness

On Sunday, walking around Regents Park

Up on Primrose hill, view from the whole city, from downtown business to the London Eye on the right

Down in Camden Town where we went around amazing outdoor markets

Make your choice...

Big Ben @ Night!

..and the Palace of Westminster!

London Eye @ Night

On monday, a few hours before my departure back to Switzerland, a quick visit to the British Museum


Chinese Artwork

Inside the museum

Back in my home town, a display of the Brand New set!

Already a game played this year, and if the weather holds, its off for an awesome Golf Season!